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FlowSim User Manual

FlowSim is used to measure the resources needed to find the maximal strong simulation relation for a probabilistic model (Markov chain, probabilistic automaton) under different optimizations. The results can be printed in plain text, in LaTeX table format or exported as a gnuplot script and data file. FlowSim can also automatically generate randomized models to study the behavior of different optimizations in a generalized fashion. The facility for this is described in more detail in the section "Random Models" below.


FlowSim is invoked from the command line with a list of options followed by a list of models. At the very least, the --type option must be specified to define the model type as it isn't determined automatically. The --type option is discussed in detail in the section about model types. In addition, there are options to control which optimizations should be benchmarked, which resource types should be tracked, how the report should be delivered to the user and options pertaining to averaging. All these additional options will be discussed in detail in the following sections.

Output File Names

-o, --name TITLE  Specify a title for the benchmark

For LaTeX

For each benchmarked data type, a file named <title>_<data>.tex will be generated where "<title>" is replaced by the title given through the --name option (defaults to "benchmark") and "<data>" is replaced by the corresponding data type. Example: mybench_usertime.tex.

For gnuplot

For each benchmarked data type, two files are generated. The naming convention depends on the plot mode. For regular models (--plot n/m), two files are generated with the names <title>_<data>.data and <title>_<data>.gnuplot where "<title>" is replaced by the title given via the --name option and "<data>" is replaced by the corresponding data type. When plotting for random models, these files are called <title>_<data>_<source>.data and <title>_<data>_<source>.gnuplot with "<title>" and "<data>" substituted as before. "<source>" is substituted by the model parameter which is being varied. This can be a combination of two parameters if a 3D plot is being generated.

For plain text

Plain text is always printed to stdout and the title option does not apply.


-O, --opt OPT[:NAME]  Specify a configuration to benchmark

Each configuration to benchmark is given by an individual specification of --opt (short -O). The argument consists of an integer, optionally followed by a colon and a title for this configuration. This title is used to identify this configuration in all output formats. The integer is a bitvector where each bit corresponds to an optimization which may be turned on or off. Not all optimizations can be combined. The following table lists all supported configurations:

000000 No optimization
100001 State partitioning
200010 Quotient
400100 P-Invariant checking
500101 State partitioning, P-Invariant checking
600110 Quotient, P-Invariant checking
1610000 Parametric maximum flow
1710001 Parametric maximum flow, State partitioning
1810010 Parametric maximum flow, Quotient
2010100 Parametric maximum flow, P-Invariant checking
2110101 Parametric maximum flow, P-Invariant checking, State partitioning
2210110 Parametric maximum flow, P-Invariant checking, Quotient
2411000 Parametric maximum flow, Significant arc detection
2511001 Parametric maximum flow, Significant arc detection, State partitioning
2811100 Parametric maximum flow, Significant arc detection, P-Invariant checking
2911101 Parametric maximum flow, Significant arc detection, P-Invariant checking, State partitioning

You may use --opt all to benchmark all supported configurations.


When some of the earlier case studies were made, in particular when the paper An Experimental Evaluation of Probabilistic Simulation was written, the quotient automaton approach hadn't been part of this project yet. At that time, the bit which now refers to the quotient approach had been unused and was omitted to avoid confusion, such that a 4bit bit vector was formed in which the second, third and fourth bits (counting from the right) corresponded to the third, forth and fifth bit in the representation above.

Data Types

-d, --data DATA  Specify a data type to include in output

Using the --data (short -d) option, you can specify which data you are interested in. If no --data option is given, only usertime will be benchmarked. As with the --opt option, you may specify --data all for all available data types. Note that this option is simply an output filter: All data is always recorded, so there is no performance difference between few and many data types. The following table lists and explains available data types:

Data Type Description
usertimeTime needed to find the simulation relation (user mode time)
systemtimeTime needed to find the simulation relation (system mode time)
realtimeReal time from start of simulation until end
memoryOverall peak memory usage by data structures used in the algorithm (minor local variables, stack, program code etc. are not counted)
initialsizeNumber of pairs in the initial relation minus reflexive relation (Quotient: initial number of blocks)
finalsizeNumber of pairs in the result relation (minus reflexive relation)
partitionsNumber of blocks if state partitioning is enabled, 0 otherwise (Quotient: final number of blocks)
iterationsNumber of iterations
maxflowNumber of times maximum flow was (re)computed
pivfailNumber of networks that were discarded due to P-Invariant violation
safailNumber of networks that were discarded due to significant arc deleted
cacheNumber of networks stored by parametric maximum flow
cachehitsNumber of times a network was found in cache and reused


The values initialsize and finalsize do not include the reflexive relation, which is obviously always there. This means that a final number of pairs of zero does not mean that the relation is empty, it means that the relation is empty except for the reflexive relation.

Output Formats

-q, --quiet  Suppress plain-text output
-l, --latex  Enable LaTeX table output
-p, --plot SRC  Enable gnuplot export and choose data source
--xrng R, --yrng R  For gnuplot, explicitly specify ranges, default automatic
--time-unit U  Unit for time (ms, s, m, h), default automatic but read note
--space-unit U  Unit for memory (B, kB, MB, GB), default automatic but read note
--precision N  Number of decimals in output (default 3)

The results of the benchmark can be printed in plain text, exported as a LaTeX table or as a gnuplot script.

Plain text output is enabled by default, but can be turned off using the --quiet (short: -q) switch.

LaTeX output can be enabled using the --latex (short: -l) switch. The LaTeX table will be written to a file; see the section on file names above for more information about the naming convention for output files. One file will be generated for each selected data type. Note that the LaTeX files are not complete documents as they only contain the table but no document preamble. LaTeX output is not available for random models.

Gnuplot script generation is enabled by selecting the data source via the --plot SRC (short: -p SRC) option. Valid values of SRC are:

Plotting will create a pair of output files (data set and script) for each data type that you are interested in. The section on output file names specifies how the names for these files will be formed.

By default, gnuplot will automatically show the entire range of available data. In some cases you may want to override this behavior, for example in order to clip extreme outliers or in order to move your data away from the coordinate axes for better visibility. You can use the --xrng R and --yrng R options to adjust the visible data range. The argument R is the low end of the range, a colon and the high end of the range, e.g. "--xrng 0:100" would show the x-axis from zero to 100.

By default, FlowSim will try to select the most suitable units for time and memory for you. However, in some cases you may wish to use the --time-unit and --space-unit options to override the default. When benchmarking random models, the units are not determined automatically and will be given in seconds and kilobytes unless you use these options to specify otherwise.

In plain text output as well as LaTeX output, floating-point values will be printed with three decimals after the point by default. This behavior can be changed by using the --precision option with which you can supply an arbitrary number of decimals to be printed. For gnuplot output, this option has no effect: Floating-point values are always written into the data file with maximum precision to ensure an as accurate representation in the plot as possible.


-n, --labels N  Specify number of labels to use [deprecated]
-x, --lext X  Specify label file suffix to append to model file name (default '.label')

-n, --labels N: This option was used to specify some number of different labels, to be distributed arbitrarily across the state space. This option is now deprecated and will be ignored with a warning. Use the option --lext (short -x) instead.

-x, --lext X: This option specifies a suffix string which is appended to each input model file name to form a new file name. This file is interpreted as a label specification, which associates arbitrary labels to the states of the input model. By using different suffix strings, different label configurations can be prepared for each input model. This option does not apply to random models.

Label specification format

The label specification format is a line-based format in which each line falls into one of the following categories:

Note that all lines, without exception, may begin and/or end in an arbitrary number of white-space characters (20h (space) and 09h (tab) are considered white-space).

State specifications

may take three different forms: (1) a number, identifying a single state, (2) two numbers separated by a dash, identifying a sequence of consecutive states and (3) arbitrarily many numbers separated by commas, identifying a list of states. No other characters than digits, dashes and commas are allowed (i.e. no white-spaces). The different forms may not be mixed, meaning that the fictional specification "3,5-7,11" is malformed.


are arbitrary strings including anything but line breaks. Internally, the labels are represented as numbers. Note that label names should never be longer than 512 characters.

# This is an example label specification,
# for a fictional model which has 10 states.

0-4 a
5,8,9 b
6 c

States which do no appear in a state specification are assigned a separate label. State numbers which are out of range for the model that the specification is being applied to are silently ignored. Therefore, be sure that the first state is addressed as 0, not 1, since such a mistake will not generate any warnings.


If you do not have specific label information for a model and want to use the old behavior of distributing a fixed number of labels across the state space, you can use the following shell command to generate a label file with the same labels that would have been assigned ($MODEL is the model and $LABELS is the desired number of labels):

jot `cat "$MODEL" | awk '{ if ($1 == int($1)) { print $1; exit; } }'` 0 | awk '{ print $1 " " ($1 % $LABELS); }' > "$MODEL.label"

Other Settings

--extra-rmap  Print memory used by the relation map separately (plain and LaTeX only)
--model-info  Add number of states and number of transitions (plain and LaTeX only)
-a, --avg N  Benchmark each model several times to stabilize time
--fp-approx X  Manually specify a floating-point approximation threshold (see below)

There are additional options that allow you to fine-tune the way FlowSim operates.

--extra-rmap: If this option is specified, the memory used by the relation map will be printed in a separate row of the memory statistics. This is possible because the size of the relation map is determined by the number of states in the model. The option may not be used when benchmarking configurations that use the Quotient algorithm, where the relation map is not related to the number of states. Note: This option generates a warning when used with optimizations based on the quotient automaton approach.

--model-info: Add rows listing the number of states, transitions and actions (if present) for each model. This is only applicable for plain text and LaTeX output. For random models, these values may be rounded averages.

-a, --avg N: Benchmark every input model N times and take the averages of usertime, systemtime and realtime. All other data types are deterministic and will have the same result every time. Using a high number for this value ensures that random fluctuations in timing don't falsify the result as much, however the overall time used by the benchmark process is multiplied by this number. When benchmarking random models, every single instance of a certain random model class will be benchmarked multiple times. For random models, it is better to leave this switch out and use the model regeneration parameter for the random model instead, which will generate multiple instances to average over.

--fp-approx X: In order to compute the correct relation, it is often necessary to accommodate for rounding errors in floating-point numbers. This is done by considering two floating-point numbers whose difference is smaller than some epsilon to be equal. FlowSim will automatically compute a suitable value for epsilon for each input model (only for discrete time models with distributions that are either stochastic or absorbing). This option allows you to manually override this, as well as to specify an appropriate value for continuous time models or models with sub-stochastic distributions. If you suspect that the automatically selected threshold is erroneous and causing problems, you can use the modelstat tool to find out the threshold used for a particular model.

Types of Models

-t, --type T  Specify the input model type (required)

-t, --type T: Specify the input model type. This option must always be specified. The following model types are supported:

Model Type Description
dtmcDiscrete-time markov chain
ctmcContinuous-time markov chain
paProbabilistic automaton and markov decision process (MDP)
cpaContinuous-time probabilistic automaton
randomRandomly generated model (input is a specification of random model parameters)

The format used for these models is described in the following sections.

DTMC/CTMC File Format

For DTMCs and CTMCs, we use the format obtained when exporting models as text from the PRISM model checker. The format works as follows.

The first line contains two integer numbers which represent the number of states and the number of transitions in the model. After that, each line describes exactly one transition through three numbers: The source state, the target state and the probability (for DTMC) or rate (for CTMC). The source states MUST be listed in ascending order, and all transitions leaving the same state must be defined in adjacent lines, i.e. the successor distributions of two different states may not be mixed in the file. The number of transitions must match the number of transitions declared in the first line, otherwise the parser will fail.


Within one line, any two successive arguments should be separated by exactly one space character (0x20).

PA/CPA File Format

For PAs, CPAs and MDPs, we support two different kinds of formats. PRISM's format only supports MDPs, which are a subset of PAs. While we can load the format exported by PRISM, we needed to modify it slightly in order to be able to load PAs which add non-determinism to MDPs.

The PRISM format

starts with a line containing the number of states, the number of actions and the number of transitions in the model, similarly to DTMCs/CTMCs. The model is then defined by a sequence of lines defining the transitions in the model as four numbers: The source state, the action (as an integer number), the target state and the corresponding probability (MDPs, PAs) or rate (CPAs). As with DTMCs/CTMCs, the source states must appear in ascending order, and the specifications of two successor distributions may not overlap.

The extended format

is identical save for a different way to specify the action. Instead of an integer number, two numbers separated by a forward slash (without any additional spaces in between) are used. The first number specifies the action as before. The second number can be of arbitrary value, except that it must be the same for all transitions belonging to the same distribution, and must be different between two adjacent distributions. It is permissible to alternate this number between zero and one for successive distributions. This feature is necessary in order to specify states with non-determinism, i.e. two or more actions with the same symbol.


Within one line, any two successive arguments should be separated by exactly one space character (0x20).

Random Model File Format

Random models are defined by a sequence of 16 arguments. Currently, only random DTMCs are implemented in this fashion. These parameters should be all on the first line, separated by spaces. The parser will ignore anything after the 16th argument, so one may add comments or notes on the model without having to adhere to a particular syntax.

In order to generate a plot from a range of different, randomly generated models, the first 9 arguments as well as the last (16th) argument may be replaced by the strings "$x" and "$z", each of which may appear at most once. The following table lists the meanings of each of the parameters.

1.   N0<NNumber of states in the model
2.   A0≤AMinimum number of successors per successor distribution
3.   BA≤BMaximum number of successors per successor distribution
4.   C0<C≤NNumber of clusters in the model, only effective in conjunction with clustering bias
5.  Fb[-1;1]Fanout bias
6.  Lb[0;1]Linearity bias
7.  Cb[0;1]Clustering bias
8.  Pb[0;1]Probability distribution bias
9.  Sb[0;1]Successor bias
10. MS0<MSModel samples (average over this many models generated with the same parameters)
11. X0-First value for $x placeholder, must be present even when unused
12. X1X0≤X1Last value for $x placeholder, must be present even when unused
13. Z0-First value for $z placeholder, must be present even when unused
14. Z1Z0≤Z1Last value for $z placeholder, must be present even when unused
15. AS2≤ASNumber of points to sample on the $x and $z axes when plotting, as applicable
16.  L0<LNumber of labels to distribute over the state space

Fanout bias

At zero, the number of successors for a state is chosen as a uniform random number between the minimum and maximum numbers of successors per state. A lower or higher number introduces a bias towards the lower or upper bound, respectively. At the boundaries, i.e. for -1 and 1, all states will have the minimum and maximum number of successors, respectively.

Linearity bias

At zero, successor states are chosen randomly, such that cycles are likely to appear in the model. A higher linearity bias makes cycles increasingly less likely to appear in the model. At 1, the model is completely linear in the sense that there exists a distinguished state which has no predecessors, from which every state can be reached exactly once while traversing state transitions (if clustering is enabled, unreachable clusters may be created, in which case the previous argument holds for every individual cluster).

Clustering bias

At zero, successors are chosen at random (influences of other biases non-withstanding). When the clustering bias is used, the state space is subdivided into a number of clusters (the C parameter) and successors are more likely to be picked from the same cluster as the predecessor. If the clustering bias is one, the resulting model will have a number of entirely separate clusters such that there are no transitions between any two states of any two clusters.

Probability bias

Perhaps more aptly called heterogenity bias, this value controls whether probability distributions are uniform or not. At zero, all distributions are uniform, i.e. all successors have the same transition probability. With higher values, distributions are more likely to be subdivided into multiple parts which are internally uniform. As the bias increases, the distributions are more likely to be divided into more parts. In the limit, this means that all distributions are subdivided into parts of one successor each, or in other words, no two successors of a distribution have the same transition probability. Note, however, that the probabilities for a distribution with a certain number of successors, subdivided into a certain number of parts, are computed in a deterministic fashion, meaning that the same probabilities will be assigned to two distributions of the same order being subdivided into the same number of parts. This is important to keep in mind when interpreting the results of a study involving this bias.

Successor bias

At zero, successors are chosen at random. This bias makes the choice of particular states more likely than the rest. However, since the successors in a distribution are all different, this primarily means that a certain state is likely to appear in most or all distributions. This bias is only meaningful if the state space is significantly larger than the order of "most" distributions. In particular, since distributions whose order is close to the size of the state space have all or almost all available states as successors, the probability of a certain state being more likely to be picked as a successor is meaningless.


200 5 10 $x 0 0 $z 0 0 5 1 10 0 1 10 1

The example above defines a set of models, each of which have 200 states and between 5 and 10 successors per state. All states have the same label (there is only one label). This set of models can be used to create a 3D plot, since it uses both variables; in this case, this x-axis is the number of clusters and the z-axis is the clustering bias. On each axis, there will be 10 samples and for each sample, five instances of the model will be created, making a total of 10*10*5 or 500 model instances. The number of clusters will be sampled between 1 and 10, whereas the clustering bias will be sampled between 0 and 1, such that the resulting plot will visualize the effect of low, medium and high clustering biases for varying numbers of clusters.

Usage Example

Suppose the random model parameters above are stored in a file called cluster_3d.rndm, then the following command might be used to create a plot of the processing time needed to compute the maximum simulation relation using no optimizations:

flowsim --type random --plot r+ --quiet --name cluster --data usertime --opt 0:None -- cluster_3d.rndm

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