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[AlurDI06] Alur, R.; Dang, T. and Ivancic, F. Predicate abstraction for reachability analysis of hybrid systems. In ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 5: 152-199, 2006.
Downloads: bibAbstract. Embedded systems are increasingly finding their way into a growing range of physical devices. These embedded systems often consist of a collection of software threads interacting concurrently with each other and with a physical, continuous environment. While continuous dynamics have been well studied in control theory, and discrete and distributed systems have been investigated in computer science, the combination of the two complexities leads us to the recent research on hybrid systems. This paper addresses the formal analysis of such hybrid systems. Predicate abstraction has emerged to be a powerful technique for extracting finite-state models from infinite-state discrete programs. This paper presents algorithms and tools for reachability analysis of hybrid systems by combining the notion of predicate abstraction with recent techniques for approximating the set of reachable states of linear systems using polyhedra. Given a hybrid system and a set of predicates, we consider the finite discrete quotient whose states correspond to all possible truth assignments to the input predicates. The tool performs an on-the-fly exploration of the abstract system. We present the basic techniques for guided search in the abstract statespace, optimizations of these techniques, implementation of these in our verifier, and case studies demonstrating the promise of the approach. We also address the completeness of our abstractionbased verification strategy by showing that predicate abstraction of hybrid systems can be used to prove bounded safety.

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