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Interactive Simulator for MoDeST (abgeschlossen)
Die richtige Ordnung in "Compositional Aggregation" (laufend)
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Automatische Abbildung von MoDeST Spezifikationen auf UPPAAL (abgeschlossen)

Thesis Title

Interactive Simulator for MoDeST (abgeschlossen)


MoDeST is a modeling language for describing the behavior of discrete event systems. It combines conventional programming constructs such as iteration, alternatives, atomic statements, and exception handling with means to describe complex systems in a compositional manner. MoDeST also incorporates means to describe important phenomena such as non-determinism, probabilistic branching, and hard real-time as well as soft real-time aspects.


In this thesis, an interactive simulator for MoDeST language wil be developed. The core engine of the simulator will be written in C++ and it will be accompanied by a GUI front-end written in Java.



Programming skills in C++/Java.




Reza Pulungan, M.Sc