AiSHA, Abstraction in Stochastic Hybrid Process Algebra is a Dutch research intitiative funded by the NWO.


This project sets out to advance the theoretical foundations of embedded software and system design. It focuses on the model theoretic representation of stochastic hybrid systems, systems where probabilistic phenomena, random and real timing, continuous dynamics, and nondeterminism coexist. Stochastic hybrid systems encompass a rich application domain, ranging from battery-powered multi-player Bluetooth gadgets to distributed air traffic control networks. Its richness however implies that it is almost impossible to analyze such models in their full generality prior to constructing the system itself. This proposal does not attempt to change this situation at once. This proposal instead seeks to advance the principal understanding of stochastic hybrid system models in two very specific, very important, but also conveniently limited directions. We intend to investigate well-founded composition and abstraction techniques for stochastic hybrid systems. The techniques employed are rooted in process algebra, and have been applied successfully in the verification of complex systems. Concretely, we plan to develop an equational theory for branching congruences that build on conservative extensions of classical process algebra, such as Markov stochastic process algebra, timed process algebra, and hybrid process algebra. The leap from these algebras towards an algebra of stochastic hybrid systems with abstraction will be structured into several smaller, yet demanding, steps that join and extend the existing theories in a hierarchical fashion.



Learn more about this project here.